Joint Editorial Board
William C. Lipps, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) representative on the JEB, is the Government and Regulatory Business Development Manager of Shimadzu Scientific Instruments in Columbia, Maryland. William has over 30 years of experience in environmental and geochemical analytical chemistry, and over 15 years of experience in the design and marketing of analytical instruments. In addition to Standard Methods, William is currently an officer (2018-2020 chair) of ASTM D19 Committee on Water and an ANSI expert to ISO TC147 SC2 Water Chemistry methods. Prior to appointment to the JEB, William participated as Part 4000 Coordinator and served on several task groups, including Cyanide and Nitrate. Over the years, William has gained hands-on experience with numerous chemical methods/techniques in industrial, R&D, and compliance monitoring settings. William received a double major in chemistry and geology from Stephen F. Austin State University in 1986.
Dr. Terry Baxter, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) representative, has served as the Coordinator for Part 2000 Physical and Aggregate Properties, and the Chair of the Joint Task Group for Section 2710, Tests on Sludges. Dr. Baxter is a Professor at Northern Arizona University where he teaches courses in Environmental Engineering. He has a BS degree, MS degree, and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. Prior to Northern Arizona University, Dr. Baxter was with the Quality Assurance Office for Region 7 of the USEPA. He has experience with wastewater treatment and operations, air quality, quality assurance and multimedia application development. Dr. Baxter is also co-author of Environmental Management, Problems and Solutions and Engineering Drawing, a bilingual (Chinese-English) text. His research is currently focused on the application of fresh water algae for treating wastewater having high dissolved solids to enhance its reclamation and reuse.
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