The Standard Methods Organization
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater is the result of a joint effort by three technical societies:
The responsibility for the managerial aspects of the publication and distribution of Standard Methods lies with the principal executives of the participating societies: APHA AWWA WEF The Joint Editorial BoardThe responsibility for the content of Standard Methods lies with the Joint Editorial Board (JEB), which consists of a representative from each sponsoring society: APHA AWWA WEF Standard Methods Manager - Nathan Edman Part CoordinatorsThe JEB is assisted by Part Coordinators (PCs) assigned to coordinate and review sections within a part of Standard Methods as existing sections are revised and new sections are developed. Current PCs are:
The Standard Methods CommitteeThe Standard Methods Committee (SMC) functions as the primary consensus group. This committee comprises members from the three sponsoring societies and others who may not be members of any of the sponsoring societies. The SMC votes on each method in Standard Methods according to procedures designed to ensure the development of a consensus document. Joint Task GroupsJoint Task Groups (JTGs) function as the primary working committees for review and revision of existing methods and development of new methods. JTGs have anywhere from five to fifteen members and function at the direction of a chair. While the recruitment of a JTG Chair is the responsibility of the JEB Liaison and the PC, appointment of the JTG Chair is officially done by the JEB Liaison assigned to the part where the section is located. JEB Liaisons to individual parts are as follows:
Membership on JTGs is selective and is usually based on the need for members competent in the areas related to the scope of work and charge to the JTG. For information on the tasks and procedures involved in method development, please review Standard Methods' Standard Operating Procedures. The DevelopersDeveloped by three of the world's leading scientific organizationsThe finest minds in the water community come together to produce Standard Methods, the mutual publication of the American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). It gives you the combined resources and the collective knowledge of the largest public health and water associations in the world. Whether your concern is domestic water, industrial water, wastewater treatment, public health, or environmental protection, you are assured of having the latest water analysis methodology with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. The American Public Health Association (APHA) is the oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world, representing more than 50,000 members and affiliates from over 50 occupations of public health. The Association and its members have been influencing policies and priorities in public health since 1872. APHA brings together researchers, health service providers, administrators, teachers, and other health workers in a unique, multi-disciplinary environment of professional exchange, study and action. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. Founded in 1881, AWWA is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world. Its more than 55,000 members represent the full spectrum of the drinking water community: treatment plant operators and managers, scientists, environmentalists, manufacturers, academicians, regulators, and others who hold genuine interest in water supply and public health. Founded in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organizational. Its goal is to preserve and enhance the global water environment. Federation members number more than 41,000 water quality professionals and specialists from around the world, including engineers, scientists, government officials, utility and industrial managers and operators, academics, educators and students, equipment manufacturers and distributors, and other environmental specialists. |