Part Coordinators
Christina Baker, Laboratory Supervisor for Chesterfield County, Virginia, is the coordinator for Part 1000 Analytical and Data Quality Systems. She currently supervises the wastewater analyses performed for Proctors Creek and Falling Creek Wastewater Treatment Plants. Christina has experience conducting and/or supervising inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, biological, and microbiological testing in both commercial and noncommercial environmental laboratory settings. Before working for Chesterfield County, Christina was a Virginia environmental Laboratory Certification Officer for 8 years. As a Laboratory Certification Officer Christina spent a considerable portion of her time reviewing and interpreting EPA-approved analytical methods as well as regulatory requirements applicable to environmental analyses. She held a Class IV Wastewater Operator license in Virginia from 2002 to 2006. Christina earned her BS in Biology and her MS in Environmental Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Devon Morgan, Laboratory Manager at Clark County Water Reclamation District in Las Vegas, Nevada, coordinates Part 2000 Physical and Aggregate Properties. Mr. Morgan is a laboratory manager with 30 years of laboratory experience, with 26 years in management. For the last 15 years, he has managed laboratories focusing on water and wastewater chemistry. He obtained his M.S. in Chemistry from Prairie View, A & M University, and a B.S. Suma cum laude in Agronomy. His professional credentials include: Operations Manager for Severn Trent Laboratories and Wet Chemistry Manager for Southern Petroleum Laboratory. His professional affiliations include: WEF Technical Committee member, WEF Laboratory Practice Committee Chair, and member of AWWA, ACS, and TNI.
Jennifer Calles, Part 3000 Metals, earned a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry from Scripps College in Claremont, California. She has more than 35 years of experience as a laboratory analyst and manager. She spent eight years in a commercial environmental laboratory setting, performing and supervising analyses for water and wastewater samples. She has spent the last 30 years in water and wastewater utilities. Her laboratory experience includes analyses for water and wastewater quality including metals, microbiology, inorganic and organic constituents. Her background is primarily in environmental laboratory analysis and compliance reporting and quality management systems.
Robin S. Parnell of Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) in Virginia Beach, VA is the coordinator for Part 5000 Aggregate Organic Constituents. Robin is a Laboratory Manager overseeing the Metals and Solids sections. She has over 30 years experience with wastewater treatment analyses including BOD, COD, Solids, Microbiology, Metals and Organic Chemistry. She is a project manager coordinating analytical work performed by HRSD for external customers. Robin has a BS in Biology from the University of South Carolina and an MA in Biology from the College of William and Mary. Her professional affiliations include the WEF Laboratory Practices Committee and the Virginia Laboratory Practices Technical Committee.
Hunter Adams, PC for Part 6000 Individual Organic Compounds, is the Water Source and Purification Superintendent for the City of Wichita Falls, TX. He holds an MS and BS in Biology from Midwestern State University and is a Double A licensed Water and Wastewater Operator by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. He serves as an AWWA Trustee in the Water Quality Technology Division, as a WateReuse Texas Board Trustee, as the AWWA representative to the Environmental Monitoring Coalition, and on the Opflow Editorial Advisory Board. Hunter received the WEF Laboratory Analyst Excellence Award in 2020, an APEX Award for Publication Excellence for the “Operators Need to Know” Opflow series in 2023, an Opflow Publications Award for best paper in 2023, a Journal AWWA Division Best Paper Award in 2024, an AWWA Golden Spigot Award in 2024, and a Distinguished Alumnus Award from MSU in 2024.
The PC for 7000 Radioactivity is Robert Shannon. Mr. Shannon’s experience of over 35 years includes radioanalytical method development, quality auditing and assessment, laboratory management, and consensus standards development. He has consulted for EPA, DOE, FDA, USDA, NRC, and USGS, State agencies, and private entities and coauthored over 55 rapid methods for EPA. He served as Deputy Manager of the onsite analytical laboratories and the Site Subject Matter Expert for Radiobioassay and Radiochemistry at DOE’s Rocky Flats Site and held key positions with several commercial laboratories. In addition to Standard Methods, he chaired TNI’s Radiochemistry Expert Committee leading revision of Module 6 of the TNI Standard and is a member of ASTM committees D19 on Water and C26 on Nuclear Fuel Cycle. He has a BA from Grinnell College and studied at Albert-Ludwig-University School of Earth Sciences in Freiburg, Germany, and the Colorado School of Mines.
Elizabeth Turner, Quality Assurance Director for Eurofins Environment Testing, is the coordinator for Part 9000 Microbiological Examination. Elizabeth has 25+ years of analytical and management experience in both commercial and noncommercial environmental laboratory settings. She earned her BS in Biology and her MS in Environmental Engineering. She holds a Class A Wastewater Operator license, a Class B Drinking Water Operator license and is a Registered Environmental Manager. Elizabeth is very active in TNI, WEF, AWWA, AASQ and ASTM.
Polly Barrowman is the PC for Part 10000 Aquatic Organisms. Polly served as the microbiology technical manager for 12 years in a contract drinking water lab, overseeing routine compliance testing, asbestos analysis, and phytoplankton enumeration and identification. Today she is the water markets manager for Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, working closely with utilities to evaluate their HAB monitoring programs and bring on new technologies for rapid monitoring. Polly has a BS in Biology from Western Michigan University and an MSc. in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.